An electrophysiology (EP) study is a test performed to assess your heart's electrical system or activity and is used to diagnose abnormal heartbeats or arrhythmia.
The test is performed by inserting catheters and then wire electrodes, 测量电活动, 通过血管进入心脏.
For information on how to prepare in advance for the electrophysiology (EP) study, please see 为EP研究做准备.
When you arrive at the hospital, the final steps to prepare for the EP study are:
- For your comfort, empty your bladder as completely as possible. 在手术过程中会有便盆或小便池. 取决于你的执业经验, a catheter may be inserted to drain your bladder of urine during the procedure.
- A small intravenous (IV) needle will be inserted into a vein in your arm to administer drugs, 如果有必要的话.
The EP study is performed in the electrophysiology laboratory of the hospital, 你会被放在x光台上吗. A camera and television screens , heart monitors and various instruments will be close by. Electrodes will be placed on your chest and back to connect you to monitoring equipment. A blood pressure cuff will be placed on your upper arm to monitor your blood pressure.
预防感染, a nurse will shave and cleanse the groin and possibly neck area where the catheters will be inserted. 这个地方要用杀菌剂清洗. 无菌床单会盖在你身上.
Find a comfortable position so you can remain still during the procedure. Please don't touch the sterile areas on your neck and groin.
这取决于你所接受的学习类型, 你可能会静脉注射药物, 在你的手臂上注射, 使你镇静或使你困倦. These medications help reduce your anxiety and relieve your discomfort. Your doctor will let you know if sedation medications are appropriate.
A local anesthetic will be administered with a tiny needle to numb the area where the catheters are inserted. You will feel a pinprick and possibly a stinging sensation for a few seconds.
一个或多个导管, 它们都很薄, long, 灵活的电线, 会插入你腹股沟或颈部的大静脉吗. 导管会被引导到你的心脏. The positioning of catheters inside your heart will be monitored on a screen. 插入导管时,您可能会感到压力. 切口不到四分之一英寸.
- Recording the heart's electrical signals to assess the electrical function
- Pacing the heart to bring on certain abnormal rhythms for observation under controlled conditions
Medications are sometimes used to stimulate your arrhythmia. 你可能会感到心跳加速或剧烈跳动. 这可能会让你焦虑,但你不必惊慌. The doctors want to induce the abnormal rhythm causing your problem, 这样他们就可以治疗心律失常了. 如果你有任何不舒服的症状——比如胸痛, dizziness, 呼吸急促(气促), 恶心和疼痛——告诉你的护士或十大赌博平台排行榜.
尽量保持冷静和放松. 不要在无菌工作区域移动你的胳膊或腿. 如果您感到不舒服, 立即让你的十大赌博平台排行榜或护士知道, 所以他们可以帮助你适应.
在EP实验室的受控环境中, induced arrhythmias are handled by well-trained personnel with state-of-the-art equipment. This is an important tool that allows your doctor to gain information about your arrhythmia that will help prevent future occurrences.
- Catheters are removed and pressure applied to the groin and neck areas to prevent bleeding.
- You'll lie still in bed for four to six hours to allow the catheter sites to seal. 不要移动或弯曲你的腿.
- 你会经常被检查. If you feel sudden pain or see bleeding at the site, call the nurse immediately.
- Your doctor may share some of the preliminary findings after the test.
- 如果你感觉足够好,你就可以吃和喝了.
离开十大赌博平台排行榜之前, your doctor or arrhythmia nurse coordinator will provide instructions regarding medications and follow-up care and any restrictions in your normal activities.
After you're discharged from the hospital and return home, please follow these guidelines:
- 在最初的24小时内限制你的活动. Don't strain or lift heavy objects more than 10 pounds for the first week.
- 如果回家需要几个小时, 每小时停车一次, stretch your legs and walk a few minutes to prevent formation of blood clots in your legs.
- If you notice new blood on the dressing, press firmly on the incision site for about 20 minutes. 如果出血继续, call your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room while still applying pressure.
- 让敷料一直保持到研究结束的第二天. 你的护士会告诉你如何取出它.
Don't worry if you see a bruise or small lump under the skin at the insertion site. 它会在三到四周内消失.
- The site, where catheters were inserted, becomes painful or warm to the touch.
- You have chest pain, palpitations, 呼吸急促(气促) or lightheadedness.
加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.