Why is this program so important?
Interstitial lung disease is a complex disease. It’s relatively rare. We haven’t always known what to do for it.
ILD项目传统上是学术性的,以研究为中心. We are very much focused around research, 但我们现在认识到,我们也需要确保提供高质量的护理.
One of the key things we offer is a comprehensive diagnostic approach. There are lots of different diseases we have to distinguish between, 这很复杂,需要人们的投入——放射科十大赌博平台排行榜看x光片,病理学家看显微镜下的组织样本. Integrating all that is not easy. It requires a lot of time and the ability to pull people together.
Academic centers like UCSF offer that capability. 弄清楚为什么病人会有这种情况不仅指导他们的治疗和期望, 但它本身也有帮助,让人们知道发生了什么, even if the news isn’t great.
许多ILD患者无法轻松呼吸,这是我们大多数人认为理所当然的事情. 不知道为什么不能好好呼吸是什么感觉?
I can’t possibly know that, but just observing them, 我觉得无法呼吸并且不明白原因是很可怕的. It’s both physically and psychologically uncomfortable. 病人 have to deal with this every second of their lives, so not understanding what can be done about it is really, 真的很难.
How do you keep your team inspired?
病人 are remarkably resilient and brave, 在诊所与他们互动是我们大多数人需要的动力.
What have you learned from your patients personally?
最重要的事情之一是那些不仅患有身体疾病,而且对未知事物感到恐惧的人的非凡力量. You see that strength but also that suffering. 你的自然倾向是从中获得动力,并推动减轻痛苦.
几年前我参加了一个会议我们讨论了肺纤维化的进展我们说, “If you look back over the last 10 years, we’ve made important progress. We don’t have a cure yet, but we should feel pretty good about this.” A patient in the audience stood up and said, “With all due respect, 这里的情况很紧急,我不希望你对这个进展感到满意.”
I always remember that. 不是贬低我们已经取得的进展,但我们确实面临着继续前进的压力. That’s I think what UCSF tries to do through this program.
加州大学旧金山分校, 一些患有无法治愈的ILD的患者可以选择参加新疗法的研究试验. Why is that kind of research so important? What does it offer patients?
I view research as a clinical tool. Research is clearly beneficial to the larger community, but I also think for individual patients, being involved in research is a positive force in their lives. 他们觉得自己重新获得了某种程度的控制,而这种控制是疾病从他们身上夺走的.
That patient dedication is impressive.
我试图帮助病人理解,没有他们的投资和积极十大赌博靠谱网络平台研究, we’ll never get anywhere.
Some of these conditions we have treatments for, 但是他们中的很多人, even with treatment, continue to get worse. Unless patients are willing to participate, 我们永远不可能进步医学知识,找到治疗方法,最终治愈疾病.
There's a sense of hope in the ILD program. What are you excited for?
I’m very optimistic about the future. I don’t think it’s going to be quick or easy, 但如果你看看过去20年我们在了解疾病和提供护理方面取得的进展, that trend is the right one, and I see no reason why it should change. 我希望它会加速,因为我们可以利用新的方法来理解疾病的生物学并将其应用于临床. 对我来说, 这是ILD研究的真正前沿:利用技术来了解个体生物学,然后将治疗方法与个体的疾病过程结合起来.
How has UCSF allowed you to achieve some of these goals?
UCSF is remarkably committed to discovery and academic freedom. That’s what you need from an institution, 他们提供了大量的支持和基础设施,帮助我们接受这些想法并实施它们. The people here share that culture. 我感到非常幸运能来到这里,有机会做这些事情. The university helps and shares the overall vision.
How does being in a university hospital affect the program?
大学十大赌博平台排行榜的真正力量在于我们的实习生和指导者, because it brings in a continual stream of young, 动机, smart people who look at things differently than I do.
只有通过一个新的视角来看待事物,你才会有那些可能不符合典型范例的想法, but can end up changing things, and I’ve seen that repeatedly.
How does the focus on patient care help the patient healing process? How does it help the program?
我们节目的一个非常重要的特点是我们有时间倾听. 医疗保健的现实情况是,病人与十大赌博平台排行榜相处的时间很短. That’s incredibly frustrating for everybody involved, 结果之一是大多数十大赌博平台排行榜真的没有时间去深入倾听这些问题, 特别是对于复杂的危及生命的疾病,如间质性肺病.
花一个小时和新病人在一起,真正倾听他们的经历和需要,这对他们的护理有帮助,也激励他们从研究的角度看待这些需求,试图找出缓解这些需求的方法, not only for them but for the larger patient population.
Time is so important. My sense is it’s disappearing in a lot of medical care. 我很幸运,加州大学旧金山分校支持我们有足够的时间来真正关注病人.
这是一种承诺. This is not a one-time solvable issue. 这些都是需要关注、随访和重新评估的长期疾病, sometimes for life.
I feel blessed to have this job. The chance to work with people, to help them directly in the clinic when possible, and to creatively think about how to move medicine forward, 与一群优秀的人一起工作——并支持他们,让他们有机会这样做——是一种荣幸. I’m pleased with where we are, but I have a real sense of urgency to keep growing, doing more and making more progress.